
By: Jen and Runjhun

Rating: PG ///// Category: Harry Potter/Roswell Crossover...will be mainly M/L though with A/I, M/M, A/K, R/H, and H/?

Spoilers: Season One and Two, entirely

Disclaimer: Roswell belongs to Jason Katims (and now UPN, yipee!!!) and Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. Both creators are pretty much geniuses with their worlds.

/ Part 1 / 2 / 3 / TBC... /

Part 1

(The scene starts with 17 year old Harry Potter nervously pacing around his room. He can hear noises and shouts from downstairs and knows that it's Liz Parker arguing with the Dursleys, their Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. He walks over to his desk and pushes aside Quidditch Through the Ages to reveal a letter on a flowery piece of stationary. He picks it up and starts reading, flashing back to earlier this morning…)

(…Hedwig, Harry's snow owl, flies in through the open window, landing on her cage. Harry takes the letter attached to her leg, sits down on his bed, and opens it as Hedwig begins sipping her water.)

Voiceover: Hi Harry! Well, school's finally over. I was valedictorian and all my friends (except for Alex and Maria of course) are banging their brains out, trying to figure out why I'm not going to college next year. Oh, and why I'm still here this summer. It feels odd- this is the first summer in seven years that I have actually been home in Roswell for the break. But I guess it's worth it.

Voiceover: How are Hermione and Ron? I miss them, even though Hermione and I have been communicating by owl. Tell the two that Alex and Maria send their love as well. Oh, and I have a surprise for you. The Parkers are going to let you stay here for the summer. Just don't do any magic. I'm coming on Monday to bring you back to Roswell. I have all ready contacted Sirius and told him you're staying with me for the summer, so don't worry about the Dursley's intercepting the letters. See you soon! Love, Liz.

(Harry jumps excitedly, but then goes and looks at the calender and realizes that Liz is coming today. His face falls, as he doesn't know what to tell the Dursley's.)

Harry (to himself, a little louder than he expected): How is she going to come?

(Dudley pops his head in Harry's room. Apparently he has been listening.)

(Flashback ends. Liz is standing on the front porch of the Dursley's house on Privet Lane, knocking on the door. Her face looks a bit fearful, either that or nervous. She tucks a strand of her dark brown hair back as she waits for an answer. Her black backpack is sitting by her side. Mrs. Dursley opens the door)

Aunt Petunia (friendly, but a bit suspicious, due to Dudley's information): Hello!

Liz (shyly): Hi! Um, my name's Elizabeth Parker. You can call me Liz though. I'm, uh, here for Harry.

Aunt Petunia (becoming cross): Come inside.

(The two women walk into the Dursley's living room. Uncle Vernon lifts his head up from his newspaper. His eyes narrow. Dudley scampers into the room from the kitchen.)

Dudley: Is this her?

Aunt Petunia (suspicious): How do you know Harry?

Liz: I don't know if anyone told you, but Harry has a twin sister.

Uncle Vernon (obviously not believing Harry's earlier news): You must be mistaken. She died in the car crash about 18 years ago with Harry's parents. (standing up) A good thing too, one less -

Liz (angrily): Some people might resent that! One less witch in the world, huh? You know, you're not even worth insults. You're lucky that with everything I've been through, I've learned to ignore Muggle racists.

(The entire Dursley family take a huge step away from her upon Liz's revelation as a witch. Liz chooses to ignore their hatred and continues.)

Liz: Just because I wasn't sent to you with Harry, doesn't imply that Voldemort killed me too. I was sent to live in America with a different family. Professor Dumbledore and the others believed it would be safer for us to be split up. But by the looks of life around here, I think I got the better deal. Now, where's my brother?

(Aunt Petunia looks ready to faint. Dudley has one hand over his mouth and the other over his big behind, remembering what happened the last time a magic user showed up at their home. Uncle Vernon is the only one seriously unaffected by Liz's outburst, despite his face turning red.)

Uncle Vernon: So, Harry was telling the truth. You are here to take him back to America.

(He is torn between decisions. If he let's Harry go with Liz, he knows it would make Harry happy, which the Dursley family has been against since the boy came into their lives. But if he let Harry stay, well, none of them can stand his presence.)

Liz: Our godfather, Sirius, all ready knows of the arrangement. That means he won't be writing to Harry here. And if I write to Sirius and tell him you are actually trying to interfere reuniting his two godchildren… (she lets the rest hang in midair, the implication all ready sinking in)

Uncle Vernon (bellowing): Harry! Get your ungrateful self and your belongings down here this instant!

(The room is quiet until Harry appears from the stairwell, lugging his huge trunk and Hedwig's cage. Between the two items, Harry has all his worldly possesions ready to go. He sees Liz and runs to her. The siblings hug. Liz breaks it off and turns to face Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley once more.)

Liz: Thanks Uncle Vernon. Harry and I better be going now. (to Harry) I have reservations at the Leaky Cauldron since our plane flight to America doesn't leave till tomorrow. (to the Dursleys, faked politeness) It was a pleasure meeting you Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, Dudley.

(Liz and Harry walk out of the door, Harry carrying his trunk, struggling with it's weight, while Liz carries her backpack and Hedwig. They stop at the corner of the block. Liz takes out her cell phone and calls for a taxi to bring them to London.)

Harry: It's really terrific to see you in person again.

Liz: Same here. I've missed you a lot. Owl post just isn't enough sometimes.

Harry (thinking about Ron and Hermione): I know what you mean. So, how are Alex and Maria?

Liz: They're fine. Looking forward to seeing you. I do know that Alex and Maria have been busy buying new clothes with Mom and Dad for you, this way you don't have to keep wearing Dudley's second hand stuff. (a look of disgust appears on her face for a second)

(Before Harry can reply, the cab appears. Liz grabs Harry's trunk before he has a chance to lift it and places it effortlessly into the back of the car. Harry watches in amazement at his sister's new found strength, and then, remembering his manners, grabs Liz's backpack and places it alongside his trunk. Harry, Liz, and Hedwig get into the car. While Harry is trying to place Hedwig's cage on the side, Liz gives the cab driver the address.)

(Harry and Liz enter the Leaky Cauldron. It doesn't look like much on the outside, due to the Muggle shields, but inside, the inn is small and dark, yet pleasant. Many people are scattered at the tables. Liz walks to the register for the reservations and Harry hangs back nervously. He turns his head around and sees the same man in the black duster who had followed them into the Leaky Cauldron. He makes a mental note to himself to tell Liz later.)

(Liz walks over to Harry.)

Liz: Here's the key to your room. Mine's just next door. (She yawns.) I'm just going to skip dinner and go to sleep. Still not used to the time change.

Harry: Right Liz. I'll see you in the morning.

Liz (heading up to her room): We have to go to Diagon Alley first. I promised Alex and Maria that I'd pick up a few items for them. Then we leave to the airport. Is that okay for you?

Harry: Yeah. See you tommorow sis.

(Liz smiles and walks out of view.)

/ Part 1 / 2 / 3 / TBC... /

Part 2

Seven years ago - Roswell, New Mexico

(Ten-year old Liz Parker and eleven-year old Maria DeLuca are playing Monopoly on the floor of Maria's room. Liz is jumping up and down for joy, her braided pigtails flying with her movements. Maria, on the other hand, is lying on her bed, staring down at the board and occasionally glancing up at her best friend, while pretending to sulk.)

Maria: You got Boardwalk again. It's my turn to get Boardwalk Lizzy.

Liz (smiling): Next time Ria. I promise, cross my heart, dare to die. (She traces an 'x' over her heart with her finger.) Let's continue, please… You still have most of the property.

Maria (becoming a bit more cheerful): That's true. And I have the hugest advantage…I always wi-

(Maria's sentence is cut off as the girl diverts her eyes to the open window. It is a cool, spring day in the desert, and an owl is the last thing either girl expected to see. The huge, brown speckled owl lands on the post on Maria's bed, placing two letters on top of the board game. Liz walks over and picks one up.)

Liz (reading the envelope): Ms. E. Parker. The Room with the Balcony, Above the Crashdown Café. 152 Main Street. Roswell, New Mexico. USA. (She looks up at her friend.) Hey, that's addressed to me.

(Maria picks up the other envelope.)

Maria (reading as well): Ms. M. DeLuca. The Room facing towards the North. 35 West 19th and Mescalero Road. Roswell, New Mexico. USA. Oh my god, that's me too!

(The two girls stare at each other and rip open their envelopes at the same time. The owl sits on the bedpost, still watching as the envelopes fall to the floor, landing on the forgotten board game, as the letters are unfolded.)

Maria and Liz (simultaneously): Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore. Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chie Warlock, Supreme Mugwump…

Maria: What's a Mugwump?

Liz (shrugs her shoulders): How am I supposed to know? Let's go back to the letters, maybe that'll explain it.

Maria and Liz: …International Confederation of Wizards. Dear Ms. Parker (DeLuca), We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Summer Program for the Muggle Born or Adopted. It is a recent addition to our former basic school year and only available to a select few. You will attend 7 summers at Hogwarts, and after graduating from secondary school, three full years to complete your training as a witch or wizard.

Maria and Liz: Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment. Term begins on July 1. We await your owl no later than May 31. Yours sincerely, signed, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress.

Liz: Witchcraft and wizardry? What's this all about? I don't believe in magic…it's all a bunch of hocus pocus.

Maria: But what if it is true? Then that means that we can learn how to do magic and get to cast sparkly spells and turn snot-head Guerin into a frog and…

Liz (softly): Maybe we should tell our parents. We don't know what we're dealing with here.

Maria: Liz…

(Liz looks up at her best friend. Maria recognizes a glint of fear in Liz's eyes and slowly nods her head in agreement.)

(Crashdown Café. It's about eight at night or so and Jeffery Parker, Liz's father, has closed the restaurant early to discuss this matter with his wife Nancy Parker, Amy DeLuca - Maria's Mom, Liz, and Maria. Liz and Maria are sitting at the counter while the three adults are sitting at a booth near them. Ms. DeLuca looks the most worried out of the parents, and keeps glancing at back and forth between the two girls and the letter in her hand.)

(Mr. Parker stands up and walks over to Liz. He takes his daughter's hands in his. The love between father and daughter is evidential. He turns to face the rest of the audience.)

Jeff (to Liz): Liz, we always knew this day would come. (To Maria and Amy) We told Liz a long time ago, but I don't know if she ever mentioned it to either of you. Liz is adopted.

(Maria gasps and turns to look at Liz quizzically. Liz beams back with an 'I told you so' smirk on her face. Apparently, Liz had mentioned it to Maria before, but the curly blond hadn't believed her.)

Amy: What does that have to do with this? (She waves the letter in her right hand.)

Jeff (patiently): I was getting to that. When Nancy and I went to England years ago, we met a couple there our age. The Potters, Lily and James, became fast friends with us. Every year, we always managed to arrange some sort of get together to catch up on old times. We also knew something that few Muggles, people without a drop of magic in their blood, knew. We knew that Lily and James were wizards, and powerful ones at that.

Jeff: About six years after we first met, Lily and James had twins. They named them Elizabeth and Harry. Yes, Liz has a twin brother somewhere in England. (Jeff answers Amy's question before she ever asks it) Nancy and I, along with James' best friend Sirius, were named their grandparents. When Liz was one, an evil sorcerer, whose name I forgot killed them. I do not know the full details, but I do know that somehow Harry and Liz both survived. Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school mentioned in the letter, decided that it would be safest to split up the Potter children. Liz was sent to America to live with us, while Harry was sent to a town in England to live with his aunt and uncle.

Nancy: We've tried contacting the Dursleys, Liz's aunt and uncle, numerous times to arrange for Harry and Liz to meet, but for some reason, they never return our phone calls or letters. We will send Liz to Hogwarts. And this summer program will allow her to keep up a 'normal' appearance as well.

Amy (still doubting): So this is all for real? But why Maria? No one else in our family has ever been offered this sort of opportunity. And she wasn't adopted.

Jeff: I don't know about that. But then again, according to what Lily and James told Nancy and myself, while they were still alive: the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore always has a reason for everything. So I wouldn't worry. And Amy…trust us, it'll be fine. Just think of it as a summer camp. Besides, the girls would be able to write to us every day on what's going on. And they'd be together.

Amy (a little more relaxed now): If you say so, Jeff…

Maria (jumps of the table and does a little dance): No way!!! Oh, Lizzy, we're going to learn magic!!! We can learn to do spells and stuff. Yippee! And we can learn to turn people into the creepiest things.

Liz (as excited as her friend): Yeah! We can transform Pam Troy into a jellyfish!

Maria: Or icky Valenti into a turtle!

Liz: Kyle's not that bad…he's okay… How 'bout Ms. Finden, the librarian, into a rabbit?

Maria: No way! Rabbits are cute; Ms. Finden is ugly, maybe we can…

(As the girls trailed off into their fantasy world, the parents continue to discuss the new turns their children's life is taking.)

Amy (kind of ignoring Liz and Maria's chatter): I've never seen Maria this excited about school! But it has to be expensive. After all, it's a private school…in England

Jeff: As far as we know, Hogwarts is free to anyone who is invited to attend. They only require you to pay for the necessary supplies. Usually Hogwarts doesn't except foreign students… They must have made an exception for some reason…

(Maria and Liz are jumping up and down, still babbling about spells and powers, holding hands, even more ecstatic by Amy's consent.)

Maria and Liz (very loud, high pitched, and hyper): We're going to England! We're going to Hogwarts!

/ Part 1 / 2 / 3 / TBC... /

Part 3

(It's morning in Roswell, the day after Liz had picked up Harry from the Dursleys. Maria DeLuca is whirling around in her desk chair, anxiously awaiting some sort of phone call. Every five seconds, she glances at the phone, hoping it will suddenly start ringing. She picks a photo off her desk. It's one that's usually never on there.)

(What's unique about this photograph is that the people in the picture are actually moving. Usually, she keeps it underneath her bed, where she can easily access it at any time but others, who do not know of the magical side of her life cannot. Maria smiles at the photo and the people in it wave back.)

(The photograph was taken last winter, when she, Liz, and Alex all went to Hogwarts Academy for the Christmas break to visit their friends (and Liz's brother): Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Though the Roswellians hated to part from Max, Isabel, Kyle, and Ava (it was the first Christmas the group had spent together without any conflicts interfering), it finally came down to this was the only chance they'd have to visit their magical friends.)

(Hagrid had taken the photo on Christmas Eve in the Great Hall. The huge room was beautifully decorated with snow, icicles, and many, upon many wreaths of holly, with a humongous tree in the center. Liz, Harry, and Maria were kneeling in front of Alex, Ron, and Hermione. All were smiling and waving ecstatically. It was one of Maria's favorite photographs.)

(The phone rang, interrupting Maria from her memories. She drops the photo frame onto the desk and bounces onto her bed to retrieve the phone.)

Maria (excitedly and curiously): Hello?

Alex: Hey Ria! What's up?

Maria (disappointed): Oh, it's only you.

Alex (pretend hurt): What do you mean by "it's only you"?

Maria: I was sort of expecting a call from Liz. (she looks at her watch) It's only about three in the afternoon there. I think she said that she and Harry were going to Diagon Alley, since there flight is tomorrow. She said she'd call to see to check in.

Alex: Well, I'm sorry your other best friend hasn't bothered to contact you yet. At least I did.

Maria (giggles): Yeah, thanks Alex. So, how was your date with Izzy last night?

Alex: She asked me about the college thing again during dinner. It's weird how set she is about trying to find out why we won't be here. In fact, they all are.

Maria: I know. I feel horrible lying to Michael, but we have too. Michael, Max, Isabel, and Ava might be aliens and Kyle might be a whole part of this conspiracy, but you remember what Dumbledore said. You can't tell any Muggle.

Alex: Since when are you one to follow the rules?

Maria: (long and drawn out) Alex...It's me.

Alex: That's what I'm afraid of.

Maria (trying to change the subject): So, do you think Harry and Liz are having a good...

(Michael Guerin appears in Maria's doorway. Apparently, he has been there for a minute or so. With his arms crossed over his chest, Michael seemed very intimidating. But Maria, new it wasn't true.)

Maria: Alex, I'll talk to you later. I have company.

Alex: Who? Maria? (she hangs up on him) Maria?

Michael: So, I know Liz isn't here, but where is she? And whose Harry?

Maria: Ummm, hi Michael. Nice to see you too.

(Michael stands up and walks over to Maria's bed, sitting down next to her. In a split second, Maria grabs the photo frame containing the picture from Hogwarts and stuffs it under her pillow. To her luck, Michael does not see.)

Michael: Maria, whose Harry?

Maria: A relative of Liz's. He's staying with the Parkers for the summer.

Michael: And you couldn't say this earlier because...

Maria (all in one breath): All right, you want the truth. The Parkers are Liz's godparents. Her real parents were killed when she was about one. The murderer escaped and to make sure Liz and her twin brother were safe, they were split up. Harry stayed with their aunt and uncle in England and Liz came here.

(Michael is stunned. So is Maria. She can't believe she gave all that away so easily. Franticly, she turns to look at her boyfriend.)

Maria: Michael, please, don't tell anyone. Not yet. Liz hasn't told a soul except for Alex and me. It's hard for her to come to terms with sometimes.

(Michael is listening to what Maria has to say closely. He pauses to think it over finally develops a response.)

Michael: Liz shouldn't be hiding secrets from the eight of us. Since I know she'd be mad if she knew you told me, so I won't say anything, okay? But, she'll have to tell everyone eventually. Especially if that Harry guy is staying in Roswell for the summer.

Maria: (jumps up of the bed and wraps Michael in a huge hug) Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much Michael Guerin.

Michael (smirking): Ditto.


(An hour or two after Michael came to see Maria. Liz and Harry walk back into the Leaky Cauldron, hands full with small shopping bags, containing items purchased from the various stores of witchcraft and wizardry in Diagon Alley. They walk into Liz's room at the inn.)

Liz: Wow! I think we've gotten everything everyone back home needed.

Harry: Yeah. God, what do Alex and Maria do with all this stuff?

Liz (jokingly, yet realizing how close to the truth her upcoming statement could be): Make love potions so all the aliens in Roswell will fall in love with them.

(Harry starts laughing. When Liz's serious expression meets his eye, he stops. After everything that's happened to him, he knows better than to underestimate the paranormal.)

Harry: You weren't serious, were you?

Liz: No, of course not. There are no aliens in Roswell, New Mexico.

Harry (grinning): Are you sure?

Liz: Would I lie to you?

Harry: No.

(At his quick and simple response, Liz feels really hurt. As much as she loves her twin, there is no possible way she can tell him that she's in love with an alien. And so are her two best friends.)

Harry: So, when does the plane leave tomorrow?

Liz: Around three or so. It'll still be late morning or early afternoon by the time we get to Roswell. We'll have to take a plane to New York, then to Minneapolis, and finally to Albuquerque where Alex and Maria will be to give us a lift to Roswell.

Harry: Great. Can't wait to go.

Liz: Neither can I...


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