Forgotten Trilogy Timeline

Created for the Forgotten Series

By: Jen

Rating: G ///// Category: Timeline

Spoilers: Only first season. Second season doesn't exist here.

Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me, etc. Also, I based this off the timeline, so events will be similar. No infringement intended.

Author's Note: I created this to get a better sense of where to go with this series. I hope you find it interesting.

NOTE: Red writting indicates an Earth year

Magneta writting indicates an Aldaberan year


1795 /// 3882- Kiltalpha family and DeLuca family meet

April 5, 1875 /// Lirpa 5, 3969- General Prince Rheni Ivok Sargas born

January 14, 1886 /// Yranaj 14, 3973- Taran Ami Mar Sargas born

June 30, 1887 /// Nuj 30, 3974- Queen Shawna Rana Kiltalpha born

March 4, 1894 /// Chram 4, 3979- King Dubum Briar Kiltalpha born

March 4, 1908 /// Chram 4, 3995- Dubum Briar Kiltalpha becomes King

May 17, 1909 /// Yam 17, 3996- Rheni Sargas and Taran Mar married

May 7, 1911 /// Yam 7, 3998- James Atherton born in Tennessee

June 4, 1913 /// Nuj 4, 4000- King Dubum and Queen Shawna Kiltalpha married

March 15, 1917 /// Chram 15, 4004- Prince Allioth Naos and Princess Alya Mira Kiltalpha born

August 22, 1917 /// Tugu 22, 4004- Tess Nashira Taygeta born to Sandry and Rile Taygeta

October 1, 1917 /// Rebotco 1, 4004- Caph Nekkar and Chara Maia Sargas born

December 1927 /// Rebmeced 4014- Rheni and Taran Sargas murdered

Chara Sargas is sent to live with the Taygeta family

Caph Sargas is sent to live with the Kiltalpha family

January 31, 4032 /// Yranaj 31, 4019- River Dog born on Mesaliko Indian Reservation

April 29, 4032 /// Lirpa 29, 4019- King Dubum dies of natural causes

Queen Shawna Rana takes over her late husband's throne

August 27, 1933 /// Tugu 27, 4020- Grandma Claudia born

August 1934 /// Tugu 4021- Tess Taygeta and Chara Sargas sent to the palace

Twins Chara Maia Sargas and Caph Nekkar Sargas reunite for good

Prince Allioth falls in love with Chara; whom recipricates his feelings

March 15, 1937 /// Chram 15, 4024- Prince Allioth Kiltalpha becomes King

March 20, 1937 /// Chram 20, 4024- Caph Sargas becomes General Prince

June 1, 1937 /// Nuj 1, 4024- King Allioth Kiltalpha marries Chara Sargas

June 6, 1937 /// Nuj 6, 4024- Chara Kiltalpha becomes Queen

Tess Taygeta disappears, not to be heard of again for a long time

December 14, 1942 /// Rebmeced 14, 4029- Deputy Owen Blackwood born on Mesaliko Indian Reservation

July 1945 /// Yluj 4032- Tarnus Jabbah Chort and his followers on Subra rise to power

Supreme Leader Tarnus Chort attacks Aldaberan -ar declared by both sides

July 1947 /// Yluj 4034- Tess Taygeta reappears as Tarnus' second-in-command

Royal 4 assassinated in a supposed peace conference set by Tess and Tarnus

Queen Shawna becomes leader of resistance to Tarnus taking over the planet

Queen Shawna sends Royal 4 to Earth; but the ship crashes in Roswell, N.M.

July 1947 /// Yluj 4034- The Roswell Incident occurs

November 14, 1947 /// Rebmevon 14, 4034 - Everett Hubble born

October 13, 1950 /// Rebotco 13, 4037- Propus Rigel born

February 1, 1951 /// Yrabef 1, 4038- Phillip Evans born

April 12, 1951 /// Lirpa 12, 4038- Sheriff James Valenti born

January 18, 1952 /// Yranaj 18, 4039- Diane Evans born

February 25, 1952 /// Yrabef 25, 4039- Metallah Tris born

September 13, 1955 /// Rebmetpes 13, 4042- Jeff Parker born

1955 /// 4042- Atherton publishes "Among Us"

March 4, 1957 /// Chram 4, 4044- Nancy Parker born

March 4, 1957 /// Lirpa 15, 4044- Kevin DeLuca born

November 16, 1959 /// Rebmevon 16, 4046- Atherton murdered

June 27, 1961 /// Nuj 27, 4948- Amy De Luca born

February 14, 1964 /// Yrabef 14, 4051- Agent Kathleen Topolski born

July 1970 /// Yluj 4057- Sheila Hubble murdered

July 1972 /// Yluj 4059- Silo Murder occurs. Involves Hubble and Sheriff Valenti Senior

December 25, 1972 /// Rebmeced 25, 4059- Metallah Tris and Propus Rigel marry

May 1977 /// Yam 4064- Phillip and Diane Evans marry

George Lucas' 'Star Wars' hits movie theaters .... becomes a huge success

June 1979 /// Nuj 4066- Jeffery and Nancy Parker marry

January 1983 /// Yranaj 4070- S.L. Tarnus Jabbah Chort and Tess Taygeta come to Earth

February 27, 1983 /// Yrabef 27, 4070- Kyle James Valenti born

March 15, 1983 /// Chram 15, 4070- Maxwell Phillip Evan's birthday

May 7, 1983 /// Yam 7, 4070- Tess Harding's birthday

July 2, 1983 /// Yluj 2, 4070- Maria Rose DeLuca born

July 30, 1983 /// Yluj 30, 4070- Alex Charles Whitman born

September 2, 1983 /// Rebmetpes 2, 4070- Anni Tania Rigel born

September 1983 /// Rebmetpes 4070- Tess Taygeta finds the podcave

October 1, 1983 /// Retbotco 1, 4070- Liz Parker is found by the Parker's on the side of the road

Tess Taygeta takes Liz's place in the girl's pod

October 5, 1983 /// October 5, 4070- Elizabeth Danielle Parker's birthday

October 25, 1983 /// Rebotco 25, 4070- Isabel Nicole Evan's birthday

December 8, 1983 /// Rebmeced 8, 4070- Michael Guerin's birthday

July 1984 /// Yluj 4071- Jeff Parker opens up the Crashdown Café in place of Parker's

March 1989 /// Chram 4076- Kyle's mom, Jim Valenti's wife leaves

June 1989 /// Nuj 4076- Pod Squad come out of the cave (look like 6-year-olds)

June 1989 /// Yluj 4076- Nasedo finds Tess Harding in the pods

May 21, 1990 /// Yam 21, 4077- Paul Garrison born

September 1991 /// Rebmetpes 4078- Max sees Liz for first time in 3rd grade

Liz and Max meet in 3rd grade for the first time

September 26, 1991 /// Rebmetpes 26, 4078- Tirsta Orius born

August 1991 /// Tugu 4078- Kevin and Amy DeLuca divorce

Kevin leaves Earth to serve the Queen Shawna on Aldaberan instead

September 1992 /// Rebmetpes 4079- Max and Isabel "find" Michael again

September 1992 /// Rebmetpes 4079- Alex meets Liz in 4th grade

September 1993 /// Rebmetpes 4080- 'Three Musketeers' formed

July 1999 /// Yluj 4086- Liz and Maria's movie incident

September 18, 1999 /// Rebmetpes 18, 4086- Max saves Liz (Pilot episode)

September 28, 1999 /// Rebmetpes 28, 4086- Topolski comes to Roswell

October 20, 1999 /// Retboco 20, 4086- Grandma Claudia comes to Roswell

October 21, 1999 /// Retboco 21, 4086- Grandma Claudia dies

October 24, 1999 /// Retboco 24, 4086- Michael steals Liz's journal

November 1999 /// Rebmevon 4086- 285 South Roadtrip and Discover Topolski is FBI

December 3, 1999 /// Rebmeced 3, 4086- Alex finds out the truth and Max and Liz get together

December 10, 1999 /// Rebmeced 10, 4086- Michael gets sick and Max and Liz break up

January 2000 /// Yranaj 4087- Grease fire incident at Evans' home

Infamous camping trip occurs also is Roswell's UFO Convention

Everett Hubble shot & killed in self-defense by Sheriff Jim Valenti

February 14, 2000 /// Yrabef 14, 4087- Liz goes on her Blind Date with Doug Shellow

February 18, 2000 /// Yrabef 18, 4087- Michael Guerin emancipated

February 21, 2000 /// Yrabef 21, 4087- Orb found by Max and Liz

Alex and Isabel hookup, M&M back together

May 2000 /// Yam 4087- Tess Harding and Nasedo arrive in Roswell

Agent Pierce arrives in Roswell as a want to be deputy for Sheriff Valenti

Roswellians discover that Tess and Nasedo are aliens as well..................

June 2000 /// Nuj 4087- Liz kidnapped by Nasedo

Max captured by Agent Pierce and torture till the others come and rescue him

Michael kills Agent Pierce in self-defense, protecting the Sheriff as well as.......

Sheriff Valenti and Kyle find out the truth they've been searching for all season

Pod Squad set off the communicators, hence leading the Subrarians to Roswell

Tess contacts Tarnus for the first time in years, not a good sign.........................

Liz disappears, gains amnesia, starts a new life as Rel Kiltalpha in Albuquerque

Queen Shawna and Rigels arrive in Roswell, they don't find the Royal 4 quite yet

Michael and Maria get back together despite Michael wanting to split up earlier

'Forgotten' begins, the same as the rest of this trilogy I will write some day!!!!!!!

December 2001 /// Rebmeced 4088- Max and Tess hook up

June 2002 /// Nuj 4089- Roswellians, Rel, and, Anni graduate from high school

Tess Harding and Supreme Leader Tarnus Chort brainwash & capture Max

July 1, 2002 /// Yluj 1, 4089- Queen Shawna, Rel Kiltalpha, and the Rigels arrive in Roswell

Rel and Anni meet the Roswellians at the Crashdown Cafe............

Queen Shawna reunited with Isabel and Michael-two of the Royal 4

July 2, 2002 /// Yluj 2, 4089- Kevin 'Salm' DeLuca arrives in Roswell

Max confronts Isabel and Michael, result-Rel regaining her memory

Max and Liz reunited and get back together......................again.......

Maria and Kevin, her father, reunited after being apart for a long time

July 3, 2002 /// Yluj 3, 4089- Liz discovers she's actually Chara

Liz is reunited with Alex, Maria, Michael, Isabel, Kyle, you get it....

Supreme Leader Tarnus captures Anni and Kyle to hold for ransom

Diane Evans learns the truth about the whole alien concpiricy finally

Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, and Isabel attempt a rescue attempt

Queen Shawna and Kevin realize they are missing and go after them

Max, Liz, and Alex captured by Supreme Leader Tarnus ... oh oh ...

July 4, 2002 /// Yluj 4, 4089- Tess becomes good, then dies

S.L. Tarnus killed and spaceship blows up....everything destroyed

Liz is reunited with her parents, the Parkers........she's home at last

Sheriff works on covering up the destruction of Tarnus' spacecraft

Caph and Chara are 'reunited' for the second time in their lifetimes

Kyle and Anni hook up...much to Anni's surprise of liking a human

July 5, 2002 /// Yluj 5, 4089- Leave for Aldaberan

'Forgotten' (Book 1) ends at this point for "Remembrance" to begin

Summer of 2002 /// Summer of 4089- Main part of second story takes place

Aldaberan gains freedom after Subra is defeated

Max & Liz marry ... become rulers of Aldaberan

The Council formed- Michael, Izzy, Larek, Kyle, Alex, Koda, Metallah, Shawna, Kevin

Anni becomes diplomat to Subra and other planets

Maria is leader of the guards and part-time singer

Sheriff- takes over Kevin's job on Earth, protector

Fall of 2002 /// Fall of 4089- The group attends Prima Giedi University

April 6, 2003 /// April 6, 4090- Rheni James and Claudia Shawna Evans born

Fall of 2004 /// Fall of 4091- Third story takes place

Earth finds out about aliens due to a Subrarian attack on the planet

October 31, 2004 /// Rebotco 31, 4091- Maria and Michael married

May 7, 2005 /// Yam 7, 4092- Tess Lorelei Evans born

June 4, 2005 /// June 4, 4092- Alex and Isabel married

July 4, 2005 /// Yluj 4, 4092- Kyle and Anni married

November 21, 2005 /// Rebmevon 21, 4092- Sheriff Valenti and Amy DeLuca married

July 18, 2006 /// Yluj 18, 4093- Diane-Marie Sandry Evans born

March 21, 2007 /// Chram 21, 4094- Jack Dubum Whitman born

Kathleen Michelle Valenti born a few hours after Jackie

May 5, 2008 /// Yam 5, 4095- Former Queen Shawna Rana Kiltalpha dies of natural causes

June 30, 2009 /// Nuj 30, 4096- Timmy Peter Evans born

August 22, 2009 /// Tugu 22, 4095- Laurie Ami Guerin born

January 1, 2012 /// Yranuj 1, 4099- Mika Isabella and Kev Luke Evans born

February 7, 2012 /// Yrabef 7, 4099- Taran Nicole Guerin born

Summer of 2012 /// Summer of 4099- Paul Garrison arrives on Aldaberan

Winter of 2012 /// Winter of 4099- Prima Giedi Daily does article on freedom from Subra

Tirsta Orius and Paul Garrison interview Liz, Max, et all

Story #2 occurs at this point as well as earlier in timeline

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